fredag 16 oktober 2015

Principles of persuation within telcom

While reflecting on the principles of persuasion I realize that telecom companies are very efficient with using the principles for sales. For example within telecom we often use reciprocity in terms of giving the customer 3 months for free if they sign up for an even longer period afterwards, there are several methods for consistency when it comes to prolonging customers when they are out of binding, there are often time limited offers presented to the customers (scarcity).

When it comes to how we use the principles for customers satisfaction telecom companies often distribute test results of well performed speed tests and coverage tests done by independent sources, using the principle of authority.

I though find a great potential at least to how my organization are working with these principles to persuade customers to be satisfied with us. We could perform much better when it comes to telling our costumers the improvements we have done in for instance NPS results. This would then make more of our customers think that we are making tremendous improvements and be willing to recommend us according to the principle of consensus.

Interesting week with lots of new ideas.
Gabriella Elias

1 kommentar:

  1. Interesting reflection on persuasion by the telcom industry. Sometimes i find the reciprocity and scarcity attempts by sales personal calling often late in the evening to be a little bit annoying. :)

    However I do believe that this kind of persuasion activities do bring results to the company.
