tisdag 25 augusti 2015

Getting started with the study again!

Many thoughts are running through my head right now. While trying to design the best experience ever for the customer of my company I am reflecting over what really matters? Every single customer looks different from the other and yet my ambition is that every single customer should get the best experience ever. While aiming for this I am concentrating really hard not to create to many possible choices for the customer in the design. That in itself would probably not be a good experience.

I am Gabriella, CX Design Manager, and I just recently started to engage in the customer experience area. Well, 8 months ago. Time moves fast. My biggest challenge is to simplifying technically heavy products. Designed by engineers. To be used by real customers. My ambition is to give the customers the best start in their journey with our company, by looking over and designing the touch points; buy, receive, get started, use and pay. Naturally also aligned with the adjacent touch points need, change and leave.

In my aim to create a WOW experience for our new (and current) customers I am now entering this course at KAU. Understanding Customer Experience. I need to deeper my understanding within this complex area. My expectation on the course is to build a new network that can help me & my colleagues to reflect on our companies challenges and to build a platform of knowledge that my department can use while we take on this fruitful work.

Excited and expectant.